A Little About In No Sense

Here is something I would like to share with you how and why I started my journey with In No Sense.

My first part-time job in college was as an admin in a jewelry studio. I believe that no girls can refuse those shiny jewelry, including me. However, those gold jewelry and diamonds are too expensive for a student to afford. At that time, I wondered if I could have some affordable jewelry that is suitable for everyday wear. This is the first idea that came into my mind, and I have been so lucky that I could implement this idea now.

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Back in 2020, the pandemic hit the world unexpectedly, and I lost my job during that pandemic. The solutions seem scarce and the rain seems to soak my parade. I was living on my savings with a mix of depression and confusion about the future. 

At that time, my best friend Yoyo was also laid off because of the pandemic. When I was talking about the unknown future with her, I casually mentioned "I want to do my own business". She expressed strong support for the idea and was willing to join me. In the time of uncertainty, we bid farewell to the past and officially started another life. 

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The key value of In No Sense is to provide high-end jewelry that helps you express your uniqueness and gives you courage to pursue dream. In No Sense has grown from a small studio in Shenzhen, China into a business that develops together in China and North America.

Despite how much we have grown, the main focus of creating affordable and unique jewelry will never change.

With love,


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